User’s guide for Modern Web App (2024)

This section familiarizes you with Zimbra’s email interface.

User’s guide for Modern Web App (1)

Figure 2. Email interface

This page is the first thing you see when you log in to check your emails.It has

  1. A left sidebar.

  2. An email pane.

  3. A reading pane located to the right or below the email pane.The reading pane can be disabled from Settings.

You can drag to change the width of each pane.

Left Sidebar

The left pane of the email window contains the following folders.


Whenever someone sends you an email, it comes straight to your Inbox.Click this folder to view your incoming emails.You can also right-click this folder to create subfolders.


Mails that you have written and saved — or which Zimbra saved while you were composing them — but not yet sent appear under drafts folder.


When you send an email to someone, it appears in your sent folder.You can right-click this folder to create subfolders.


Zimbra moves all the unwanted or spam emails here to keep them out of your Inbox.


All deleted emails are moved to this folder until you Empty the Trash, permanently delete, or move to another folder to keep.


Sometimes, you may want a folder for storing specific emails.All such folders are listed here.

Saved Searches

If you create a search that you want to use again, you can save it. The saved searches are listed here.


It also lists your tags that other emails may carry.Clicking a tag lists all emails in the email pane, carrying that tag.You can also create a custom tag.

Email Pane

This pane displays emails from your Inbox by default.Event invitations appear with User’s guide for Modern Web App (2). This icon helps set an invitation apart from an email.Clicking a folder in the Left Sidebar lists its contents in this pane.

This pane also displays the search result.

Reading Pane

When an email is selected, this pane shows its contents.

A toolbar displays some quick actions regarding an email.

These buttons become functional after you select an email and view its contents in the reading pane.

Click User’s guide for Modern Web App (3) to reply to the person who sent this email.Click User’s guide for Modern Web App (4) to reply to everyone whose email address appears in To or Cc fields.

Any attachment in the original email is not included in Reply or Reply All functions.

Click User’s guide for Modern Web App (5) to forward this email to others.It is especially helpful in sending a received attachment to others.

User’s guide for Modern Web App (6) archives your emails and saves space.Archived emails do not appear in Inbox or any of the folders, but you can search for them using Email Search box.

User’s guide for Modern Web App (7) removes emails from the current folder and moves them to a folder chosen from the drop-down.

User’s guide for Modern Web App (8) deletes emails.The deleted emails appear in the Trash folder.

User’s guide for Modern Web App (9) marks emails as spam and moves them to the Junk folder.

User’s guide for Modern Web App (10) reveals further actions to take on emails like marking an email as read or unread, or mark an email with a User’s guide for Modern Web App (11) for it to stand out, and blocking a contact from sending you emails.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Zimbra supports keyboard shortcuts; to see what shortcuts are defined, type Ctrl+Q.The available keyboard shortcuts are context-sensitive.Ctrl+Q displays different shortcuts depending on whether you have selected mail, calendar, or contacts.

Shift and Ctrl help you select contiguous or non-contiguous emails, respectively.

Keyboard Shortcuts During Input

While providing input, e.g. "Add Event" dialog:

  • Tab moves to next element

  • Shift+Tab moves to previous element

  • Command+C or Ctrl+C to Copy

  • Command+X or Ctrl+X to Cut

  • Command+V or Ctrl+V to Paste

  • Commmand+Z or Ctrl+Z to Undo

  • Commmand+Shift+Z or Ctrl+Shift+Z to Redo

Mac users should consider enabling full keyboard access See Use your keyboard like a mouse with Full Keyboard Access


Tags help classify and organize email messages or conversations.Tags also help sort emails and make searches easy.You can also apply multiple tags to an email.

Create a Tag

  1. In the Left Sidebar, hover on Tags and click User’s guide for Modern Web App (12).

  2. Enter the new Tag name and select a color for the tag.

    Tag names can include any character except a colon (:), forward-slash (/), and quotation mark (").
  3. Click Save.

You can also create tags when applying them.

  1. In the Email Pane, right-click an email.

  2. From the context menu, select Tag.

  3. Choose User’s guide for Modern Web App (13) Add a Tag.

  4. Enter the new Tag name and select a color for the tag.

  5. Click Save.

The new tag now appears under Tags.

Assign a Tag to an Email

You can assign multiple tags to an email to classify it under different categories.

  1. In the Email Pane, right-click an email.

  2. From the context menu, select Tag.

  3. From the Tags modal, choose an already created tag or create a new one.

  4. Click Save to apply the tag.

    You can create tags while applying them.

The new tag is now listed and ready to be applied.

Remove a Tag

  1. Right-click an email that you have tagged.

  2. From the context menu, select Tag.

  3. From the pop-up that appears, uncheck the box against a tag to remove it from the email.

  4. Click Save to remove the tag.

Display Messages with a Specific Tag

  1. In the Left Sidebar, click User’s guide for Modern Web App (14) before Tags to list all created tags.

  2. Click a tag to list all emails with the selected tag in the Email Pane.

Edit a Tag

  1. In the Left Sidebar, click User’s guide for Modern Web App (15) before Tags to list all created tags.

  2. Right click a tag and choose Edit from the context menu.

  3. Change the name and color associated with a tag.

  4. Click Save.

Delete a Tag

  1. In the Left Sidebar, click User’s guide for Modern Web App (16) before Tags to list all created tags.

  2. Right-click a tag and choose Delete from the context menu.

  3. Choose Continue from the confirmation popup.

  4. The selected tag is deleted and cleared off from all emails marked with that tag.The emails stay safe in their respective folders.

Import Email Folders

You can import email folders directly in Zimbra, provided the folders to import are in .tgz format.

  1. In the Left Sidebar, right-click a folder under which you prefer to import your email folder.

  2. From the context menu, choose Import.

  3. From the Import modal, click Choose File.

  4. From the file browser window, choose the .tgz file to import.

  5. Click Import to begin the import process.

  6. The imported folder appears under the selected folder after the process completes.

Export Email Folders

You can export email folders directly in Zimbra in .tgz format.

  1. In the Left Sidebar, right-click a folder to export.

  2. From the context menu, choose Export.

  3. From the file browser window, choose a location to save the .tgz file.

  4. The exported folder downloads at the specified location.

You can share your email folders with others and grant them controlled access.

  1. In the Left Sidebar, right-click a folder to share.

  2. From the context menu, choose Share.

  3. Choose appropriate permissions from the Sharing Permissions drop-down.


    Users can view all emails under the shared folder but cannot make changes to that folder.

    View, edit, add, and remove

    Users have permission to view and edit the contents of a folder, create new subfolders, present items on your behalf, and delete items from the folder.

    View, edit, add, remove, and administer

    Users have permission to view and edit the content of a shared folder, create new subfolders, present on your behalf, delete items from the shared folder, and share the folder with others.

  4. Enter the email address(s) with whom to share the email folders.

  5. Click Save for changes to take effect.

If the recipient declines the share, you receive a notification email.Similarly, when you revoke the share, the recipient also receives an email notification.

When you revoke access to a folder you shared, the folder appears with a strikethrough to receivers of that shared folder.

Compose and Send a Message

  1. Click New message in the left bar.

  2. Add a recipient email address in the To field.Separate multiple recipients with a comma.

    1. Click To to launch the Choose Contacts dialog.Using this tool, you can search for and choose contacts from a selection of contexts.

    2. Known addresses (from your contacts or frequent correspondents) appear as suggestions automatically.You can click suggestions, or select them with the arrow keys and press Enter.

  3. Set the subject of the email.

  4. Add images and files to your message.

  5. Click Send to send the email.

Select Contacts

When composing an email, click To to launch Choose Contacts window.Alternatively, begin typing recipients to bring up suggestions from which to choose.

The first suggestion in the auto-complete list is highlighted. You can use Tab, Comma, Semi-colon, or Enter keys to select a highlighted contact.

These email addresses can be copied and pasted to Cc and Bcc fields as well.

You can drag and drop email addresses anywhere in To, Cc, and Bcc fields.

Pick a context for searching and choosing contacts.The options are from your Contact Folders and lists, including:


This group lists all the contacts that you have added yourself.

Emailed contacts

This folder lists people to whom you have sent emails.

Global Address List

These are people whose email address domain is the same as yours.However, only a Zimbra administrator can enable this feature.

Format an Email

Use the toolbar at the bottom of the message compose screen to format your text.

  1. Click User’s guide for Modern Web App (17) beside the font size to see the available options.

  2. Click User’s guide for Modern Web App (18) beside the font type to see the available options.

  3. Click User’s guide for Modern Web App (19) for bold, User’s guide for Modern Web App (20) for italicized, or User’s guide for Modern Web App (21) for underlined text.

  4. Click User’s guide for Modern Web App (22) to choose your desired text color.

  5. Click User’s guide for Modern Web App (23) to choose your desired highlight color.

  6. Select text and click User’s guide for Modern Web App (24) User’s guide for Modern Web App (25) to see alignment options.

    1. User’s guide for Modern Web App (26) left-aligns the selected text.

    2. User’s guide for Modern Web App (27) right-aligns the selected text.

    3. User’s guide for Modern Web App (28) center-aligns the selected text.

  7. Click inside a sentence and click User’s guide for Modern Web App (29) User’s guide for Modern Web App (30) to see numbered list options.

  8. Click inside a sentence and click User’s guide for Modern Web App (31) User’s guide for Modern Web App (32) to see bulleted list options.

  9. Highlight a sentence and click User’s guide for Modern Web App (33) User’s guide for Modern Web App (34) to increase or decrease indent of your text.

  10. To create links click User’s guide for Modern Web App (35) and enter the URL, Text to display, and link’s Title.

  11. Click User’s guide for Modern Web App (36) to select and insert an emoji.

  12. To insert and format a table, click User’s guide for Modern Web App (37) User’s guide for Modern Web App (38) for options.

  13. Click User’s guide for Modern Web App (39) to undo and User’s guide for Modern Web App (40) to redo your changes.

Add images & files

Use the toolbar at the bottom of the message compose screen to attach files to your email.

Attach From my Computer

  1. Click User’s guide for Modern Web App (41) to open file attach options.

  2. Clicking Attach From My Computer brings up a file explorer.

  3. Navigate to the file to attach and click Open.The selected file now appears as an attachment.

You can cancel the attachment upload when it is in progress.Hover on the attachment and click User’s guide for Modern Web App (42).

Attach From Email

  1. Click User’s guide for Modern Web App (43) to open file attach options.

  2. Select option Attach Photo From Email to open a pane on the right, which shows all the photos that you have sent and received.

  3. Select a photo to attach it to your current email.

  1. Click User’s guide for Modern Web App (44) to open file attach options.

  2. Select option Attach File From Email to open a pane on the right which shows all the files sent and received by you.

  3. Select a file to attach it to your current email.


You may also attach `GIF`s to your email if you have the option.

Request Read Receipts

You can send a request for an acknowledgment to recipients that they see when they open your email.

When composing an email, click the three-dot menu (User’s guide for Modern Web App (45)) to the right of the From address and choose Request Read Receipt to ask your recipients for a read receipt.

Remember that this is only a request, and your recipients have the option not to send the acknowledgment.Refer to Sending Read Receipts to know more.

Set Email Priority

You can set your email to have a higher priority.Such emails appear with an exclamation mark User’s guide for Modern Web App (46) in the receiver’s Inbox.

When composing an email, click the three-dot menu (User’s guide for Modern Web App (47)) to the right of the From address and choose High Priority to mark your email as a high priority.

Email Search Box

You can type several phrases in the Search box at the top of the Email Pane. In addition to searching for different words and phrases, you can search in all the folders collectively or individually.

To search, type in your search word or phrase in the email search box and press Enter.

Advanced Search

Click User’s guide for Modern Web App (48) next to the search box to show the advanced search fields.Fields listed here help refine your search further.

  1. Choose a folder from the Search In field.

  2. Typing an email address in the From field focuses your search on all emails sent from that address.

  3. Similarly, typing an email address in the To field focuses your search on all emails sent to that address.

  4. Check the box Subject to search emails with these words in their subject line.

  5. Check the box Message body to search the words in the body of the email.Enclose the searched text within quotes to search them as a phrase.

  6. Check the boxes Any or Image if the email you are looking for has an attachment or an image.

  7. Check the box Unread or Starred to search only unread emails or only emails with star.

  8. Specify a date in the Date field.

None of the above search criteria is mandatory.However, adding more criteria reduces search time and refines the search results further.

Search Result

  • Click "Messages" (default view) to view all the searched messages.

  • Click "Photos" to filter the image files in the searched messages, such as PNG, JPG, GIF, BPM, etc.

  • Click "Documents" to filter the non-image attachment files in the searched messages.

Saved Searches

If you create a search that you want to use again, click Save Search.

  1. Create the search query from Email Search Box or Advanced Search.

  2. Click Save Search at the head of the Email Pane.

  3. Enter a name for the search.

  4. Click Save.

Searches are saved to the "Saved Searches" in the Left Sidebar.

To use a saved search, click the item in the "Saved Searches". The search results immediately display in the Email Pane.

Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME)

From Kepler-Patch-24 onward, Zimbra Modern Web app supports server side S/MIME functionality. Users can send Signed or Signed and Encrypted emails to other users.

Following are the pre-requisites:

  1. The administrator will have to enable this feature and provide the user’s private certificate and recipient’s public certificate.

  2. The administrator will have to install the zimlet zimbra-zimlet-secure-mail and enable it for the users.

User can read or send signed and encrypted messages only when the S/MIME feature is enabled. By default the S/MIME feature is disabled for all users.

Encrypted Emails

The Encrypted email refers to an email that has been encrypted with a digital certificate.

Encrypting an email helps to protect sensitive data and preserve confidentiality and privacy. This helps in making sure that only the intended recipient can read the email. If the email is intercepted and opened by an unintended user, that user won’t be able to decrypt and view the email.

For sending encrypted emails, users will need their Private certificate and the recipients Public certificate.

For reading encrypted emails, users will only need their Private certificates.

Signed Emails

The Signed email refers to an email that has been signed with a digital certificate.

Signing an email helps to:

  • Ensure data integrity i.e. the email was not altered from its original form.

  • Email authenticity i.e. the email came from an authentic sender.

  • Non-repudiation i.e. the signer cannot deny the authenticity of the email.

This helps in knowing that the received email message comes indeed from the declared sender (a warning appears if someone else intercepted and modified the message before it arrived).

For sending signed emails, users will need their Private certificate.

For reading signed emails, users will need the recipient’s Public certificate.

Importing certificate

In this guide we assume that the users have got the certificate from standard service providers (e.g. Comodo, DigiCert, Go Daddy, etc) whose root CA certificates are already present in browsers.

For easy understanding of the steps, we will refer to following examples throughout the section:

  • Sender’s private certificate - sender-pvt.p12

  • Recipient’s public certificate - recipient-pub.crt

Importing sender’s private certificate

Supported certificate extensions are pfx and .p12.

  1. Select User’s guide for Modern Web App (49)Settings.

  2. Under S/MIME and Encryption, click +Add a certificate.

  3. From the file explorer, select the sender-pvt.p12 and click Open.

  4. Provide the password when prompted and click Save.

  5. Upon succesfull certificate upload, a tool tip message Certificate saved successfully will get displayed.

Importing recipient’s public certificate
  1. Click [Contacts] tab.

  2. Right-click the contact and select Edit Details.

  3. In the Security Certificate section, click on Add a certificate.

  4. From the file explorer, select the recipient-pub.crt and click Open.

  5. Click [Save].

Sending 'Signed' or 'Signed and Encrypted' emails

  1. Compose a new message.

  2. Add a recipient in the To field.

  3. At the right-hand top corner choose an option from the dropdown. By default Do not sign or encrypt is selected.

    • Do not sign or encrypt: Mail is neither signed nor encrypted. This is equivalent of disabling the S/MIME feature.

    • Sign: Send signed message to the recipient.

    • Sign and Encrypt: Send signed and encrypted messages to the recipient.

  4. Click [Send].

S/MIME and Encryption Settings

You can change the sign and encryption preferences from Settings.

  1. Go to User’s guide for Modern Web App (50)SettingsS/MIME and Encryption

  2. Select the preference of your choice.

  3. Click [Save].

  4. The selected option will be applicable when users compose a new message.

User’s guide for Modern Web App (2024)


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Name: Annamae Dooley

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.